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Explore Our Shamanic Universe

New methods and understandings are trying to flood their way through to us. They are streaming continuously into our human awareness through our dreams, star communications, unexplainable epiphanies, rapid energy shifts, and new instructions from our spiritual guides.

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Slow down time
Tips and Tricks

Do Your Inner Work

New Moon blessings everyone set your intentions and allow this potent new lunar cycle to help you align with your soul, to do your inner work.

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Heart seed
Tips and Tricks

What Is Your Heart Seed

What Is Your Heart Seed I thought this a beautiful time to expand with awareness of your light – your Heart Seed or as the

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Create Your Reality

Remember, linear time is an illusion! The work of modern life is to separate us, to control us. When we step out of the “arrow time” and experience infinity, we reclaim our original nature, which is divine; we see God/Great Spirit. Create your reality.

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What Is Munay?

As students on our shamanic pathway, we know its importance in our energy work. In the energetic body, munay is not found only in the heart but is a fusion of the energy of our heart with our incarnation or Inka seed (Inka seed is the inner map of life).

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Spiritual shamanic courses

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Mission Statement:
“I Offer Transformative Spiritual Shamanic Courses Online To Help You Discover Your Unique Pathway To Support Your Personal Learning Pathway”

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