How To Cast A Sacred Circle
When casting a circle, we enter into a sacred time, the time of light and movement where we commune and go into a celebration with all of life. It is a chance to acknowledge your own sacredness and the sacredness of the space around you, no matter where you are inside or outside. Your heart, minds and soul engage with all of the vibrations of life in an open sacred space, and you become one with all of these vibrational forces.
How To Begin To Cast Your Sacred Circle
I always like to start by raising my arms and spreading my palms outwards to draw up in the power of universal forces, leading to opening my personal medicine space. To open sacred space, I always see the sparks of light start to fill my hands as I begin – this is a signal that I have left my ordinary busy life behind, and I am entering the ‘timeless time” of love and light. I then commonly cast my circle. However, if I am feeling a little disconnected and scattered, I do a short meditation on anything – the elements, the sun, the air i breathe. I use this time to settle my busy mind. It is normally a short period – This is why I have tried to limit the meditation time, so it’s not the primary focus of this course. It is easy for meditation to take over.
Create Your Own Unique Invocation
For many good reasons, including having a successful shamanic journey, I want you to find your way to open a sacred space, your words, and what works for you till you get the feeling you create and co-create with the universe. By casting a circle, we become deeply centred and quiet. We draw on the pure power from within. Circles are very protective and allow us not only to strengthen our energy fields but create a beautiful space that invites true magic to our lives. The beautiful thing is that it doesn’t have to be a long process. I generally do not cast spells unless I am in a sacred space – It could be simply opening personal medicine or sacred space, casting a circle or coming from a meditation. The main thought is that swell of the devoted and works from a sense of sacredness, especially in perfect love and trust for the higher good of all.
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