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For the love of Chumpi Stones, feel and just listen - they have much to share with you.

Just Listen To Your Heart

Just Listen….. Dare….. Our whole world changes and becomes softer when we listen with our hearts rather than our heads. We breathe easier and in

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Vibrations are Everywhere

Everything Has A Vibration We are here on this planet to care for its animals and plants, honour and protect its natural beauty, and show gratitude and

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The 6-6 Portal

Activate 6-6 Portal Time Welcome to the 6-6 portal activation and Paradigm Shift. I have been tuning in deeply and hanging out in our sacred space

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Tips and Tricks

Home Is Many Things

Your Inner Home Is Here Home is both a state of being and where we live. We make daily choices to come home to our

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Spiritual Path Gratitude

Gratitude On Our Spiritual Path It’s easy on our spiritual paths to keep striving forward without appreciating where we are and how much we’ve grown. How

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Reflect And Grow

Reflect And Grow The profound process of course creation has begun after a few U-Turns. I was tempted briefly to follow Udemy and create a

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On your wave length

Watching The Tide

Watching The Tide Being close to the ocean gifts me the beauty of watching the tides – the ebb and flow of life, continuously in

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Tips and Tricks

Be Clear With Your Intent

be Clear With Your Intentions The power of our collective group has never been more substantial. Be clear as each of us awakens to our

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It Is Revival Time

Get Ready For Revival Time REVIVAL It is time to act, my friends – revival time is here and waiting for our attention. 1. an

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Tips and Tricks

The Voice You Hear

The Voice You Hear Finally, we are home after wandering up the East Coast of Australia. We enjoyed being with our friends, family and the

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Spiritual shamanic courses

Are You Ready To Transform Your Life?

Join our visionary shamanic courses. Here is a free online course to experience the pure enjoyment of happiness in a gentle affirming way. Bring balance and harmony in a simple gentle way to soothe your ragged soul.

Mission Statement:
“I Offer Transformative Spiritual Shamanic Courses Online To Help You Discover Your Unique Pathway To Support Your Personal Learning Pathway”

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With Love,

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