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Tips As The Veil Thins

It’s a challenging time—but also an exciting time as the forces of change gather strength, and as the veil thins between the world of the seen and the unseen!  This is the time to ground, to weave the webs of resilience that keep us connected to our loved ones—those who are alive and those who are on the other side of the veil.  As the veils are getting thinner with Beltane and Halloween quickly approaches and magic is in the air. Make sure you seize the magic of the season and take advantage of the gifts it brings:

As you prepare for your either your Beltane or Halloween as the veils thin journey let us take a quick look at some of the ways to approach it …… 

  • The Ghost – What is unresolved from your past and impacts you today that need you to release it for travelling any further with you.
  • The Bonfire – What needs to be released into a fire ceremony in your life right now for you to move forward?
  • The Path Ahead – Look into your heart, where is your path leading you? What is your big vision for you?
  • Your Costume – Your mask, what are you hiding behind at this time? What masks do you need to to simply drop?
  • The Bag of Treats – What opportunities or strengths do you have right now? How are you actively working with your unique gifts?
  • Howling At The Moon – My personal favourite as it helps bring in the changes we need to make for our bright beautiful future?
  • Power Animal – How is your power animal or guiding spirit helping you at this time? Look actively for the signs, thee metaphors.
  • The Flowers – What is opening for you – where is the light seeping in to set fire to your future plans?

Right now, we’re all swimming in transition. Individually and collectively we need tools and practices that help us gracefully navigate all the change happening – I hope the above prompts will help you divine your way forward.

“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming” Jeanette LeBlanc

Be The Witness In Your Life

Detach so you can be the witness in your life, see the withdrawal, the shedding of many of your previous creations – roles, labels, careers, alliances

As the veils thin unplug completely from:

  • working on yourself – let yourself see peace in your heart
  • trying to make things happen – forcing doesn’t fit the new ways of dreaming
  • suffering or being a victim – that is not a part of your future
  • tolerating 3D energy around you – seek freedom from in your heart
  • trying to change or rescue people – they need to take charge of themselves
  • wish things were different – they are what they are
  • taking things personally – see the big picture

We are seeding the new. It is time to expand our hearts radiating our light.

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