Trust and receive
Every new day opens us to life’s many possibilities. How are we going to respond? Will we dare to trust and receive life’s abundant gifts? Sometimes our vision is clear, we see where we are headed, and the right choice is obvious. At other times life’s road seems muddy and hard going, and we become bogged down, uncertain, and confused. Trusting can be difficult when we feel vulnerable, alone or hurt without feeling the beauty of our Earth Mother under our feet.
Breathe In Life
However, we are present and alive, breathing in life as it flows. We know we can always return to being present within ourselves and remember what we desire. Flow and follow your breath – be open to the path ahead and all its possibilities.

Life does not come with guarantees. Whatever we do, the world can respond in surprising or unexpected ways. If we do not get what we hoped for, we may be knocked off course and lose our way. We may start to worry we took a wrong turn. Yet here we are. Right in this place. Trust and simply be.
In these times, we can ask for help to trust that we are still on our path. That we are always on our path. We can ask for help to see more clearly where we are and not let our expectations blind us. Finally, we can ask for help to open to the teaching or gift and go beyond what we think is possible.
Life – It Is Time To Thrive
Trust is more than believing that ‘everything will be all right’. It also means ‘everything IS all right’. Remembering to trust can help us to stay present at the moment. Trust can keep us calm and connected as we realise the bigger picture evolves.
There may come a time when we know we need to take a step, that life is waiting for us to leap.
At this moment, we can also trust ourselves
Trust that we are where we need to be
Trust that the time is right
Trust that the Earth holds us and that the Spirits know us
Open the gate and let your heart receive
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