Watching The Tide
Being close to the ocean gifts me the beauty of watching the tides – the ebb and flow of life, continuously in the flow with no beginning nor end. We allow ourselves the freedom to drift from this space and step into another as we watch the flow of the tide mirroring life.
Dare To Be
Look around.
What do you see?
The sand dunes are shifting in time just as you are.
Observing nature – maybe a bush or a tree catches your eye – wonder about what it sees when it looks back at you?
Like the tide, see yourself rolling, receiving your next breath and step as your last in this life, turning around and effortlessly becoming your first step and breathing as the tide flows into a new existence โ over and over and over.

Like the tide, see yourself rolling, receiving your next breath and step as your last in this life, turning around and effortlessly becoming your first step and breathing as the tide flows into a new existence โ over and over and over.
From our early childhood days, we were taught the message of individuality, that we are ultimately alone, and it is up to us to forge our path forward. However, the messaging we know from our shamanic training shows we are never alone: We are a part of a vibrant multi-dimensional universe. We are one; we are connected.
Feel Life’s Pull
The vibrational power pulsing through the Universe flows through our cells, blood, neural network, food, the fruit tree on your balcony, Earth’s path around the Sun, and our beautiful moon’s reflected glow. This vibration flows through all beings. All of life’s victories and failures prepare us for a new life of embracing and embodying the wonder of the Universe.
The past is over. We can never go back. We are connected to the power of this moment, dancing with the Spirits โ every moment of every day, choose to share the passion. Here we are, we are now, evolving our future, our next step. Flow with the tide.
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