New Course - Shamanic Witchcraft
I welcome you to my 13 moons shamanic witchcraft pathway. Our first step to the quest, the wonder of the mystery of life, is recognising nature, the beauty that is us in all its glory. So many people are in crisis in our modern-day materialistic technological life, whether spiritual, psychological or emotional. We hear of family and friends and others who are anxious, disturbed, obsessed, depressed. Their inner conflict is calling for help. To move forward, we need to shift our perception. We need to alter our attitudes and actions to grow. I believe that we all need to raise our vibrations and come together as one breath, one heartbeat for the good of all.
Udemy will ask you to review the 13 Moons early. Please do so. Your help with a great review will ensure the course gains its wings on the very crowded Udemy marketplace.
This course explores personal change to awaken our unique pathway to self-awakening using the medicine wheel seen globally and used to bring harmony, peace and fulfilment to many. The medicine wheel will provide us with a map; your unique map – it is not the map or wheel of a specific culture. Its most basic representation is a circle with a midpoint with four or more spokes radiating to connect with an outer ring. The circle, as you know, my friends, represents wholeness, connectivity and exclusiveness. It is our Earth, our Cosmos, our village, our family.
Laid over the primary four quarters of the medicine wheel will be the 13 moons that will guide us through the elements of the wheel to eventually arrive at the centre at the 13th moon to reflect on our circular journey to freedom.

I offer you this course to help you live an extraordinary life. Not because of your external successes in your workplace or the material possessions that you may have. The gift is the ability to cultivate courage, laughter fearlessness in the face of challenge and change.
Within each moon month, you will go through a series of exercises of rituals journeys. How deeply you go is up to you. Remember, the more you put into this, the more available you will be to your innate gifts. You are invited to make beautiful ritual teas to reflect upon your journey. Within the month, you will be asked to create a moon bath, or maybe you would like to make and use your moon water. It is up to you which of these essential tools you work use. Remember, this is not an introductory course; I expect you all to have a level of spiritual ritual. Each moon has an assignment based on a keyword that I have used to fuel your imagination for that month.
Please note I am not using the Udemy feature of assignments. Most of you do your courses and thus assignments on mobile phones and tablets using the app. Unfortunately, this has caused distress for students as the assignments feature is not available on the app. As such, I have abandoned it; the assignment is a text lecture. If you want feedback, please ask me through the Q and A, and I will answer you.
Is it witchcraft or shamanism or both or a combination of all the ancient ways? Wherever I have studied globally, I have found more similarities than differences between all global traditions.
In grace and light
Inspirational Unique Spiritual Shamanic Courses For You
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