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How to Create a Vision Board

Spiritual Fusion

Create a vision board here today to really help your dreams come true. 

We are seekers of the truth and vision that resides in our hearts as we see and know that everything is alive, everything has a spirit – and wisdom to share. Shamans throughout history have known that we all have the capacity to connect with plants, animals, natural forces, and helping spirits for guidance and healing. All of the courses here help you to open yourself to the world of spirit, access reservoirs of healing energy for yourself and others, and empower yourself to fulfil the highest vision of your life. Embrace the gifts and fly high.

Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the “right stuff” to turn our dreams into reality.”–James Womack.


Make a vision board; it is a simple process. Remember, simple does not necessarily mean easy. This is a great manifestation tool to use.

Tools To Gather for you Vision Board

You will need magazines, scissors, glue stick, poster board, a notebook, and a few friends if you want to make this a group event. In a group setting everyone is able to share in the process of finding the perfect pictures which makes for great fun. Making a Vision Board can also be done on your own. Once all the materials have been gathered, you are ready to do some soul searching.


Doing a Vision Board requires that you be totally present. Turn off your phones and devices, TV, and computer. Light a candle, maybe some incense or aromatherapy oils in a disperser. Leave the outside world behind. This is sacred time time out – enjoy it.

Making a Vision Board is an essential part of the manifesting cycle.


Working together is a sacred aspect of community living. Something happens when two or more souls join forces and share. So if it is possible create your board with friends.

1 thought on “How to Create a Vision Board”

  1. Pingback: Create Your ​Life - Sharon Ramel Spiritual Instructor

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