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Visionary Shamamism Reading Recommendations

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained medical anthropologist, has studied shamanic healing techniques among the descendants of the ancient Inkas for more than twenty years. In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to create a practical and revolutionary program based on the traditional healing methods used by these shamans — methods that, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world.

Villoldo explains that central to shamanic healing is the concept of the Luminous Energy Field that is believed to surround our material bodies. His book teaches us to see and influence the imprints that disease leaves on this field and thereby to heal ourselves and others, as well as prevent illness.



The Heart of the Shaman: Stories and Practices of the Luminous Warrior

“Wake up from the slumber you are living in,and dream with your eyes open so that all thepossibilities of the future are available to you.”

The Heart of the Shaman will take you on a journey into the sacred world of the shaman, through stories, dreams, and ancient rites.

In his latest book, Alberto Villoldo sets his focus on the dreaming and time-travel practices of the medicine men and women of the Andes and Amazon, whose wisdom radically changed his worldview. Villoldo shares some of their time-honored teachings that emphasize the sacred dream: an ephemeral, yet powerful vision that has the potential to guide us to our purpose and show us our place in the universe. Reading this book will empower with you.



Visionary Shamamism Reading Recommendations

Soul Journeying: Shamanic Tools for Finding Your Destiny and Recovering Your Spirit

Bestselling author Alberto Villoldo presents ways to heal yourself from past and future events through soul retrieval.

This book explains the practices for healing outside of ordinary time and space. It shows you how to enter the timeless now to heal events that occurred in the past, and to correct the course of destiny. Dr. Villoldo discusses ways in which you can heal yourself and your loved ones by employing intention through practices used by shamans of the Americas—which, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world. The shamans of old called this journeying.

Reading this book, you’ll discover that you have a four-chambered heart in the same way you have a four-chambered soul. In the first chamber, you store away the memory of a wound that derailed your destiny. In the second, you keep the limiting beliefs and soul contracts that you entered into at the time of your loss. In the third, you recover the grace and trust that will make you whole again; and in the fourth, you remember the calling and mission that you choose to unfold in this lifetime


Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life

A shaman can serve as a healer, storyteller, and a keeper of wisdom—but most of all, teaches Sandra Ingerman, “Shamans radiate a light that uplifts everybody. In our culture, we tend to focus on methods and forget that the greatest way we can offer healing to the world is to become a vessel of love.” With Walking in Light, this renowned teacher offers a complete guide for living in a shamanic way—empowered by purpose, focus, and a deep connection to the spiritual dimensions.

“Shamanism remains so relevant because it continues to evolve to meet the needs of the times and culture,” teaches Sandra. Here you are invited to participate in the modern evolution of this ancient and powerful form of spirituality, featuring: reading this book will help you craft your own unique ceremonies


Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide

Shamanic journeying is the inner art of traveling to the invisible worlds beyond ordinary reality to retrieve information for change in every area of our lives from spirituality and health to work and relationships.

With Shamanic Journeying, readers join world-renowned teacher Sandra Ingerman to learn the core teachings of this ancient practice and apply these skills in their own journey. Includes drumming for three shamanic journeys.


The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life

We perform ceremonies to mark important events and celebrate holidays—yet our modern approach to ceremony only scratches the surface of its true potential. With The Book of Ceremony, shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman presents a rich and practical resource for creating ceremonies filled with joy, purpose, and magic. “We are hungry to connect with more than what we experience with our ordinary senses in the material world,” writes Sandra. “By performing ceremonies, you will find yourself stepping into a beautiful and creative power you might never have imagined.”
Weaving shamanic teachings together with stories, examples, and guiding insights

The price of items on this page and other platforms doesn’t vary. You are welcome to buy from here or any other of my online store. Students often ask me for recommendations. I have purchased and read these books. I boldly recommend them to all students seeking a solid knowledge of Shamanism. They will give you a good understanding that makes you flow better with my online courses. Reading empowers and enriches us in many ways. Please don’t fail to embrace it.

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