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Mentorship Program

Your sacred activations mentorship will bring something new each week of the month to help you live your life in the right relationship—deeply connected to spirit, the shamans’ way. The mentorship activities are created to give you a sense of belonging, connection, understanding, and being part of something bigger.

What you can expect every month.

  • Online and recorded for later access.
  • I love the live interaction and can’t wait to connect with you via Zoom.
  • ​Ritual practices keep you moving in the right direction, co-creating with spirit.
  • See you on Zoom
  • We are helping you slip between the veils and experience wisdom from guides and assistants in other realms.
  • See you on Zoom

Typically during the last week of the month, to help you celebrate, explore, and deepen your daily practices and path.

  • We will review the past weeks and I may offer alternative ways of achieving our overall aim.
  • See you on Zoom

Session times will generally be the same each month but may differ due to travel. They are all recorded on Zoom, so you can catch up later if you cannot make a session. In most sessions, we have time for a Q&A afterwards.

Journaling is a fantastic tool for self-development and sacred activation of spiritual growth. It’s not just a practice, it’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s how I connect with myself, my dreams, my ambitions…, and my shadow.

Reflecting on my own journey, I recently picked up my journal from 10 years ago, and the first page held my then-10-year plan. It’s incredible to see how all of it came true. This journal can be a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams and aspirations.

This journal will help you explore your dreams and aspirations, writing clear goals and targets to help you stay on track.

You will also engage with the elements and your chakras. This is a deep dive for your future, helping you [understand and balance your energy centers] and [connect with the natural world].

Purchase a file or folder for your mentorship journey, print it out and prepare to be amazed.

Your sacred activations membership will bring something new each week of the month to help you live your life in the right relationship—deeply connected to spirit, the shamans' way. The mentorship activities are created to give you a sense of belonging, connection, understanding, and being part of something bigger.

One on One Time With Me

If you’re seeking to reset or ignite your shamanic dreams, many great resources are available online.

I offer Zoom sessions one hour in length to assist your unique pathway. The cost is $200USD per hour pre-paid

You may want to consider checking out shamanic practitioners, groups or communities for guidance. Meditation, journaling, and visualizations can also be helpful tools to explore your shamanic journey. Remember to always practice with groundedness, respect, and connectedness to the natural world. Wishing you luck on your journey!

For many of us, discipline is a problem None more so with online learning as it is so easy to not show up for you There are so many distractions from social media to our busy minds. In these cases, one on one can be of enormous benefit.


Book And Pay For Your Session Today

Let's work together to find a mutually great time to chat

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