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Right Action - Listen To Your Heart

Two North American countries are celebrating their national holidays Canada Day and the U.S. Independence Day. May peace, friendship and love of country guide your celebrations.

What is it that your heart most passionately desires? Spend the time and listen to your heart as it knows. 

Everywhere people tell you to play safe, follow the rules, don’t be too loud or too much, keep your day job etc.

Release Limitations

We can see these limiting principles have created illusion, separation, a denial of our essential creative life force, and a forgetting of the vast depths of our immense, cosmic nature. The truth our heart knows.

The ego-mind is a control freak who wants to know when and how the next doorway will reveal the next step YOU should take. If it doesn’t want that, it desperately tries to hold you to clinging to outdated stories and layers of life from long ago. It’s the time of letting go and choosing to develop the reconnection within our sacred space, to select reconnection to the sacred of ourselves, to see we are never alone in our quest – but that we must commit on a deep level.

Now is a destiny moment for us here, a time for each one of us to allow a consciousness shift within. Together we have been raising our vibrations for the good of all. This pure vibrational force of light highlights and magnifies the illusion as seen throughout the planet.

Anything that is not the truth is being revealed at this juncture. Listen to your heart.

It’s the time to stay focused on you, through your heart, coming home to your heart.

Now is the perfect time for you to choose self-empowerment, and you’re acknowledging the sacred desire first formed when you decided to incarnate at this time. Your heart knows this desire. So allow yourself to become realigned to the authentic aspect of your sacred element. The support is here for you to reach within your heart. There is no reason to wait.

Drama Has No Place Here

Listen to your heart, At this time, the drama of Covid, disrespect for the environment, is still raging, of radical inequality of most of the people of the planet, it will most likely continue to this way for some time. However, know that it is shifting, slowly but surely, the wheel is turning. Look to your heart as there is nothing to fear, witness the drama and actively let go. Spend the time to align within your sacred heart space.

Our sacred space collectively can hold the platform for you; however, only YOU can take this next step forward. Your mission is to engage through the multidimensional framework of your sacred heart actively.

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