Step Into May
May has always been a time of pondering for me. Join me as we step into May. Maybe it’s because autumn is making itself known to me here in Australia. I usually feel a wake-up call to make the most of the year. The cooler days and gentleness are gifting me seemingly more time to reflect on what is truly important in life. For me, May is filled with joy, hope and love. My youngest son was born in May.
This month I invite you to discover a new perspective on life. To make room for things to be different. To look around with fresh eyes and consciously choose to see the beauty around every moment.
If you feel the call to transform your life, get involved deeply in my courses. Many of you, for example, have The Munay Ki. I was the global pioneer in bringing this online. The Four Winds (Alberto Villoldo’s school) brought it online for the first time late last year. And today, I see many teachers globally doing so – I applaud them for doing so. However, it is also with a wry smile as many criticised me for doing so in the early days.
Spirituality is fundamental for our well-being, considering the turbulent times. Out connect with the unseen world – with Great Spirit allows us to consciously choose the beauty way, the light, reduce fear and self-sabotaging behaviours and embrace our light – our power. Step into May by reclaiming power innate power

Be Still
Together as we all step into May understand that the hand of Great Spirit is with you. Stay focused on releasing all old energies that no longer serve you. Spend time in stillness to align within your Heart and allow transformation to be set in motion. If you have received The Rite Of The Womb – connect your Sacral Chakra and Base Chakras to your Heart Chakra. Consciously choose to change, letting go and moving within the new rhythm of the life you are creating. Begin a transmutation process within your experience, transmuting fear into love as you step into May. When fear arises within you, this is simply a call for love to be made manifest at that moment. You hold the keys within your Heart to unlock the wisdom, the knowledge, which is designed to create a deepening understanding of your whole place within this changing sacred arena.
Deep gratitude to every one of you who has helped The Rite Of The Womb – The 13th Rite Of The Munay Ki prosper here on Udemy. Without your reviews, courses quickly vanish from view.
Answer to a common question 13th Rite versus 10th Rite
When Marcela Lobos first released it, it was the 13th Rite in honour of the moon – it only changed to the 10th Rite last year when she started to teach the Munay Ki online for the first time, and she put this transmission at the end of those teachings calling it the 10th Rite. So I have received this transmission from three different people, and it just didn’t feel intuitive to me to place it there. Thus I kept it separate as was initially. Join me as I have a coupon for you on the courses page as we all step into May
Inspirational Unique Spiritual Shamanic Courses For You
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